
Sunday, November 18, 2012

I'm afraid of sourdough

I actually love sourdough bread. One of the yummiest things I can think of from my childhood is a big piece of that crusty bread with cheese and kielbasa. I also really enjoy baking things; so if you think about it, it should be a logical idea that I would make sourdough bread occasionally. Nope.

Every once in a while I get the idea in my head that I will. I go online and look up a recipe. You can't just throw ingredients in a bowl and expect sourdough bread to come of it. You need sourdough starter. As I read through how to make that I get so queasy and grossed out that I abandon the idea completely.

Do you KNOW how sourdough starter is made? Let me explain...

First you mix yeast, milk, water, and flour. Then you let it sit for a day on the counter. (Ok... Kinda ick but I can handle that.) on the second day you mix more flour and milk and water and add it to your mixture. Only then can we refrigerate this beast. Every day you go in and mix it up.... All the while it is gaining in volume. (Starting to really creep me out here!) after I think 4 days, you are supposed to give away half of your nasty yeasty mixture to a friend and keep your other half.

So from there you can make sourdough bread. It doesn't sound THAT bad, and I could probably handle it if it wasn't for the next part. You don't use it all... Oh no... You let this jar live in your fridge, and once a week you FEED it more milk/water/flour mixture. You have something in your fridge... Essentially going bad... That you FEED so it continues to grow. How are other people not completely repulsed by this idea?

Science is gross.

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